Here are the steps to add webfonts from
Note: We do not cover the process on how to add a project within
1. Logon to and go to 'Manage Web Fonts'.
2. Select the project you wish to use within Semplice. (Can be offcourse multiple projects)
3. Now click on 'Publish Options' and copy the Javascript or CSS embed code.
4. Please leave this pop up open as you need the fontnames later.
5. In your Wordpress Dashboard on the left side click on 'Custom Fontsets -> Add New'
6. Choose 'Webservice' as the Fontset Type.
7. In the 'Embed Code' textarea please paste your javascript code you copied in step 3
(Note: Always copy the full code with the < script > or < link > tags, not just the link)
8. Now lets fill the weights, in this example we add Avenir Next Light, Regular, Medium and Bold.
9. Now copy and paste the font names into the right fields. Example for the Light Weight:
(note: please only copy and paste the fontname alone, example: Avenir Next W01 Light, without the '' or font-family.)
10. Since defines the fontweight and the font-style via the fontname we can ignore the font-weight setting and set 'Font Weight Usage' to 'Via Fontname' and 'Define Fontstyle' to 'Via Fontname' for italic weights.