With the Semplice Version feature, you can save and restore your WIP drafts or published updates as versions. This allows you to experiment with different ideas and create multiple isolated versions of your page (ie. sandbox mode) before publishing.
Adding a version
To store your current version, click Versions (the little clock icon) at the top right of your Content Editor. Then click 'Add Version' and give your version a memorable title.
Publishing a version
To make a specific version live on your site, just select that version and hit Save & Publish.
Loading a version
To view a version you added, just select the name of the version from the Versions dropdown.
Keep in mind, the version you last Saved and/or Published from the content editor will always be your active version. Once you Save & Publish a version, other versions will be set to Draft.
Edit a version
To edit an existing version, first load the version, then make necessary changes and hit Save.