- Multiple self-hosted fonts per font set
Let’s say we have three fonts we want to use and host our self.
DockLight, this one we want to use for the menu
Maison Neue Bold, this one we want to use for headlines
Roboto, for our paragraphs
Create the CSS for your first font, make sure to follow this format: -
Do the same for the second font and both CSS code one after another to the 'CSS Code' section of your font set.
Now take a look at the different font weights.
- Light, Regular, Semibold, Bold & Custom One
Each font weight can be a different font, which allows you to use up to 10 different fonts per font set.
Let’s start with adding the fonts to the different weights. We want to have Roboto for the paragraphs. Copy the font-family of Roboto (‘Roboto’) and paste it to the font weights name. In my case I want Roboto to be the Regular font weight, Regular italic, Semibold and Semibold italic. You are allowed to change the font weight value of each weight individually, but the default settings for pretty fine more me. Now every paragraph which get’s the weight from light to semibold italic will be Roboto.
Copy and paste the font family of the other two fonts to different weights. I copied MasonNeueBold to 'Bold' & 'Bold italic'. DockLight to 'Custom One'. The default font weight value of 'Bold' for example is 700. If I want to add a non bold font to this weight, you can always change the font weight value and the font style.
Save the font set.
- Multiple fonts from different web services
- Mixing self-hosted and cloud fonts
In case you want to mix self-hosted fonts with fonts from a cloud service.
Copy the CSS from your self-hosted font to a new file and save it a .css
Upload the file to your server.
Within your font set, paste a link to this CSS to the embed code section.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="font.css"> -
Add the code from your cloud service below the CSS and save the font set.
If you have trouble with the CSS code, make sure to check out the troubleshooting section at the end of this guide: