In this short guide you will learn how to create your own menu in WordPress:
1. Go to 'Appearance → Menus'
2. Click on 'Create a new menu'
3. Add a Menu Name (for example 'Primary Menu') and then click on 'Create Menu'
4. Now add the Pages* you want to have in your Menu from the left and when youre done click on 'Save Menu'.
5. Now comes the important part: Click on the 'Manage Locations' tab in the top area and for the 'Top Primary Menu' please select the menu which you just created.
You are done!
*: You are not limited to add pages to your menu. On the left side you have 3 dropdown where you can add pages, custom links (for example to add an link to your online store) and last but not least you can add links to your categories.
How to add a Custom Link to the menu
If you want to add a custom link to your menu it's pretty straight forward.
1. Go to 'Appearance → Menus'
2. We will edit our current menu, but you can of course create a new menu like described before.
3. On the left you will find 'Custom Links' if you click on it, it will expand and you have the option to add a URL and a Link Text.
4. If you want to add a link to your works pages you won't need a custom link for. On the top right you will find 'Screen Options' , if you click on it, you can display all kind of different wordpress pages and project.