Semplice 6 offers two preset themes for your password protected page or project: dark and light. You can choose the one that works best with your site look and feel.
Find the option by navigating to Customize > Advanced, and scrolling down to find 'Password Protected Content.'
Select the theme you prefer and hit save. And done!
Customizing further with Semplice 6
Please note: This feature is only available in Semplice 6. If you're on an older version of Semplice, you can upgrade here or customize using custom CSS.
To further customize the password protected template, hover on the Advanced tab and then click Password Protected Content.
• Basic Colors
Here you can define the background and lock icon colors for your password protected content.
• Text Formatting
Set formatting for your title, sub title.
If you want to change the text itself you can do that with a translation tool. Here is a guide on how to use loco translate with Semplice.
• Input Formatting
Change text formatting for your password input field and upload custom submission icon (Arrow by default).
We recommend using an SVG format and resolution of 80x60px
Customizing further with CSS
To further customize the protected screen colors, you can use this: css snippet. Add it to the global custom CSS editor, which will apply it to all protected content, or individually within the custom CSS editor for specific pages or projects.
If you are not familiar with adding custom CSS to Semplice, we have a detailed guide right here for that!