You can easily customize the thumbnail hover effect (called Thumb Hover in Semplice) by going to Customize > Thumb Hover.
Setting a hover scale
You can set a thumbnail zoom effect with the Scale Thumbnail option. You can set both the scale amount and duration in miliseconds.
Setting an background color on hover
You can easily set a background hover color under the 'background option.
Setting an image or video thumbnail effect
You can also set an image or video to appear on hover of any thumbnail. These images or videos can also be set individually in your Project Settings.
Setting the project title/category visibility and fade in direction
You can also choose to show just the project title, or just the project category, or both. You can also chose to remove them completely and just have the image show on hover. Lastly, you can also set the direction you want the project title/category to fade in from.
Styling the title/category typography
You can also customize things such as font size and color for both the project title and category.
Adding a drop shadow effect
For an added depth effect on your thumbnails, you can also add a dropshadow on hover.
Setting the thumbnail hovers individually
You also have the option to set custom thumbnail effects on a project-by-project basis. Just go to your Project settings, and look for the Thumb Hover options. Thumb Hover effects set for a specific project will ONLY take place for that individual project.