A favicon (or site icon) serves as a visual reminder of your site identity in the address bar or in tabs. Although not required, having a favicon will enhance your site branding and make it appear more professional.
Semplice allows you to easily add your own favicon in our backend, and here's how.
Favicon dimensions
Your Favicon should be in .png format. We recommend 32px by 32px.
Where to add my Favicon
Navigate to 'Settings' > 'General', then scroll down, you'll find 'Favicon' option.
Upload Favicon
Click on the '+', your WordPress media library will popup. You can upload your favicon by drag and drop your image right there.
Why is my Favicon is not showing / showing the old Favicon?
Sometimes, your browser cache will store an outdated version of your favicon — meaning it might not look right to you, but it's showing up correctly for others. To see if this is the case, try switching to a different browser or clearing your browser cache.
If the issue persists after that, trying uploading your favicon under Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Also, be sure you are uploading the favicon as a 32x32 PNG file.