This is a hack for Semplice 4. If you are using Semplice 5, please refer to this guide to create animations.
You can use Semplice's Motion features to add a simple parallax to page elements or sections.
A live example of a parallax effect in action can be found here.
Enable motion features
If you haven't already, go ahead and enable motion features under Customize > Advanced > Unlock Editor Motion Options.
Applying the effect
We will use the 'On Scroll' motion event type to create our parallax effect. Select the module that you want to be parallaxed, and under the Motion tab set the event type to 'On Scroll'.
Next, we'll input our motion values. Set the Start Point to 'bottom', and add a duration. The duration will determine how long your effect will last while scrolling. We generally recommend a duration of 150-200 for best results, but you can adjust this to your own purposes.
Go ahead and also add a 'Move' value to add your parallax movement. The movie value will determine the amount and direction of your parallax effect.
That's it! Feel free to experiment with the move values and duration to create your own parallax effects!
If you experience lagginess or poor performance on mobile, this is due to hardware limitations on some mobile devices. You may follow this hack article to disable motion for mobile.