The new Text module feature is only available in Semplice 5. You can read more about Semplice 5 right here.
With Semplice 5, we've replaced the Paragraph module with the new Text module. The previous module is now called "Paragraph (Legacy) module" in Semplice. Here is the difference between the two.
How the new Text module works
The new Text module, located at the top of the content editor in Semplice 5, is now the default way to add and edit your paragraph content in Semplice.
In Responsive mode, you have the option to change styling (text size, line height and letter spacing) individually for each device width. Any content edits your make to text will be updated and applied to ALL device widths.
How the legacy Paragraph module works
If you built your site in Semplice 4 or a previous version of Semplice, your existing Paragraph modules will be converted in Semplice 5 as a 'Paragraph (Legacy) module.' You can locate this module in 'Modules' tab in the content editor and use it for new content as well, if you prefer.
Using the legacy module, you have the same options for text that you previously had in Semplice 4, including the option to view the raw source code. While editing any paragraphs using the legacy module, you can change content individually for each device width.
If you change any content using the legacy module, you will need to change the content for each device width individually.
Use Cases
If you want your text to be different on different breakpoints, use the Paragraph (Legacy) module.
If you want your content to remain the same no matter the device width, but still make basic text sizing edits for each device, use the standard Paragraph module.