Custom code & hacks
General Customizations
- How to use Loco Translate with Semplice v6
- Adding an E-commerce link or button
- Child themes in Semplice
- Single Page App Behavior
- What are the breakpoint values in pixels for each screen size?
- Separate Cover section background image for mobile
Navbar Hacks
- Disable Navigation Transition Animation
- Adding social icons to the navigation/menu
- Change Logo & Hamburger Color in Overlay Menu
- Hide/reveal sticky navigation on scroll
- Make navbar sticky for mobile
- Create an Exclusion Effect on a Navbar
Portfolio Grid Hacks
- Remove link from portfolio item
- Start Thumbnail Video From the Beginning
- Video Thumbnail Color Overlay
- Perfect row alignment in "Portfolio Grid"
- Project hover on Mobile devices
- Hiding a project from the project panel
CoverSlider Hacks
Blog Hacks
Misc Hacks
- Adding an Instagram feed to your page
- Add rounded corners to videos
- Disable right-click (copy protection)
- Hide Cover section from the page/project
- Creating a scrolling marquee effect with code
- Sticky background section