The Project Panel displays your projects thumbnails in a grid at the bottom of each project page. This is a great way to keep people engaged on your site as they read through your case studies.
To enable and customize your project panel, follow these steps.
Step 1: Enabling project panel visibility
To add or hide the project panel, go to Customize > Project Panel > Options in Semplice. Under Panel Visibility, select 'Visible' or 'Hidden.'
Step 2: Customizing your project panel
In the same place under Options, customize how many thumbnails appear per row, the project panel background, width, titles and more.
Hiding an active project from the project panel
Under the project panel options, you can hide a project from the project panel so it doesn't appear on its own project page. Under 'Hide Active Project' select 'Yes.'
If you want to hide specific projects from the project panel, follow this hack.
Artwork credit: Pawel Nolbert